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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Overcoming problems of motivation to meditate

It never fails to shock me.

Because I'm teaching meditation and, perhaps, because of
the anonymity of the Internet, I get these incredibly
heartfelt emails where people share issues that are
deeply personal.

I got one of those the other day and, in part, the writer
said, "Even though I KNOW meditation will help with my
condition, I just can't get the motivation to do it. What
do you recommend?"

Have you ever had that? Where you know you *should* do
something, but find that you don't do it?

Maybe it wasn't with meditation; maybe it was with exercising
or dieting (those were mine).

Either way, what I've discovered about dealing with motivation
will probably surprise you... and, more importantly, may
help you get over that issue.

Check out the post (and leave a comment) at

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