Business is a human activity and a means to an end, while sprituality and meditation are the vehicle to take you to the sole purpose of our existence, i.e Self realization, and help to understand one's true potential. A better understanding of our being and our True Self, helps gain an equlibrium or equinanimity and peace, which helps to conduct any human activity ( business including ) perfectly and with ease without any internal strife or tension, from a higher level of consciousness. With a Spirituality in life and meditation practice helps one, the Doer ( You) and the Activity ( here Business) it helps them to coalesce in one whole like milk and water, insepreable, yet the Doer does not get attached to the activity ( the Business), even though he is the acitivity incarnate, for the duration he spends time in the activity. The purpose is to stay connected to the perpetual inner stream of Universal Consciousness undeterred by the ups and downs of our daily life activities.
Deb Ranjan Bhattacharya
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